Talking Drupal #162 - PM Tools

March 13, 2018

In episode #162 we talk about Project Management tools we use.





  • News
    • Drupal 8.5 released
    • Drush sanitize issue
  • Types of PM tools
  • Basecamp
  • Jira
  • Redmine
  • Rally
  • Trello
  • Asana
  • HipChat
  • Slack
  • Notebook (yes)
  • OmniFocus
  • Email
  • Tmetracking


Nice discussion about PM tools, but it would be nice to hear about doing the equivalent in Drupal.

Many of the tools can be replicated in Drupal and tailored to a client's requirements particularly when part of a larger biz apps ecosystem.

Brandeis Univ., for example, has developed Drupal based collaborative spaces and has integrated a Google chat server:

Many of the canned tools require you to bend to their process but clients often want something more flexible and integrated with other systems like ERP/MRP. Then the difficulty is getting all these disparate tools to integrate - ugh. Why not do it all in Drupal? Many of the tools are already there, though they might not (yet) be as feature rich as Jira, etc.

There's been some discussion elsewhere about using Drupal for biz apps and not just for websites.

The closest thing I've seen to this is the distro Open Atrium but it's built on D7 and isn't being developed further. It may be eventually rebuilt in D8/9.

Similar projects are Open Lucius and Erpal.

The real power of Drupal can be leveraged with modules like Rules, which allow some interesting custom ops almost on the fly.

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